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In Home Training 


In Home Training is one of the advantages of using Canine Composure. A lot of behavioral problems that dogs have stem right from the home. It is our day to day interactions with our dogs at home which is the source of the creation of unwanted behavior. At Canine Composure we believe that good manners stem from building a solid foundation of appropriate behavior AT HOME. Once you have established appropriate behavior at home, then your dog can slowly be introduced to all of the distractions they encounter on walks, at the vet, going for rides in the car etc.


At Canine Composure we accept all breeds with all types of behavioral issues. Does your dog drag you on your walks and bark obnoxiously at other dogs and people? Does your dog bolt out the door? Does your dog jump up on guests, mouth at your hands or the leash? Does your dog chase cars? Act aggressively at his food bowl or act possessive with toys and treats? Whatever problems you are having with your dog we will work to develop a solution to their unwanted behavior. Every dog will receive a personal training program designed especially for his/her needs. It is important that all dogs and people live harmoniously with each other. Dogs should add comfort, laugher and joy to our lives not frustration and anger. 


Please contact us at : for further interest in this program. 

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